Finding Happiness Vs. Being Happy

For many, the goal of life is to “Be happy.” This begs the question, is “being happy” even possible? Is happiness, as an end in itself, even possible? Is it a worthy, achievable goal, or is it pie-in-the sky thinking? Is happiness a state of mind, or of the heart, or of the spirit? Or is it all three? These are all good questions; now let’s see if we can find some answers.

As we discovered in the first post in this series, finding happiness is a journey rather than a destination and, while we can obviously “be happy” in the moment, at the birth of a child or at their graduation from college for example, these moments are fleeting. While happiness, on the other hand, is a sense of well-being, joy, and contentment that goes far beyond momentary pleasure or gladness. It is the ongoing sense that all is right in our worlds and that the choices we’ve made and the actions we’ve taken are right and good for us.

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” ~ Aristotle

To achieve this sense of ceaseless joy, we must first achieve a clear mind. Clarity of purpose and quality of thought will help to focus on the things which are important to us. Not only will this allow us to understand that which we value, it will also help us to build values; the ideals upon which we base our very existence and upon which we build a moral life and take ethical action. Meditation is the key to clarity of the mind, as well as an open heart.

Daily meditation can help you clear your mind and keep you open to the joy of daily existence, the happiness of the now, as well as the happiness you may experience in the future.

  • A calm mind is a clear mind. Meditation can lead to tranquility of thought, regardless of what is going on around you. It will help you find serenity even in the most trying times, and allow you to act with purpose and conviction regardless of your circumstances.
  • A grateful mind is a happy mind. Meditation and a clam mind will help you develop a sense of appreciation for the things you have. It will help you discard the idea that the rat race includes you. You have many things and people in your life for which you should be grateful and meditation will help you focus on these, rather than on chasing the things you think you want.
  • A spontaneous mind leads to joyful action. It is so easy to get locked into the daily grind that we become focused on how tough day-to-day living can be. Mediation will help you to live more effectively in the moment, where joyful, spontaneous action is available to you.
  • A caring mind appreciates the happiness in others. Seeing happiness in others can sometimes lead to envy and jealousy of their happiness. Meditation will help you to discard these negative feelings and allow you to appreciate their happiness; to use it as a model for your own, and allow you to share in the happiness of others.
  • A clear mind leads to purposeful thought and action. By rejecting negative thoughts and feelings, meditation will help you clear your mind and allow you to focus on productive thought and action. It will allow you to discard regressive thought patterns that are restricting your ability to experience joy, and allow you to pursue happiness on a daily basis.

Meditation is a wonderful tool for achieving clarity of thought and purpose. It frees the mind for new types of thinking and conceiving, as well as allowing us to be more open to our own perceptions. It allows us to be open to the joy of daily existence, and leads to feelings of felicity, or happiness, on a daily basis.

If you are struggling with your own journey of happiness, and would like help finding or staying on the road you would like to follow, get in touch with me today.


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