Too often, people get stuck in a rut when a change needs to happen. A lot of us brush this “rut” off as not a big deal and something that we can passively wait to blow on by. However, that helpless feeling of being stuck can really take a toll. When a change that needs […]
Get Comfortable With Making Changes—Big Or Small
People make small changes every day, but most of those changes aren’t life altering. For most of us, when we are faced with a decision on a grand scale, it’s much more difficult. However, when there is an understanding of The 5 Stages of Change, it’s a lot easier to implement change—big or small. The […]
Make The Leap Toward Your Most Burning Desire
Everyone has burning desires in life—perhaps to start your own business or have a certain career—and these desires helps us to live on purpose. When we navigate life believing that we can have our most burning desires and knowing how to go after them, we can become wonderfully supported as the Universe opens doors. However, […]
Practicing The Art Of Giving Back
This act of giving to another person or charity can create a great deal of positive energy flowing into your life. It has been noted that the giver (and not the receiver) actually gets greater amounts of positive energy, which in turn, amplifies happiness and optimism. That means that giving truly is better than receiving! […]
What Have You Given Lately?
One of the best ways to feel better if you are feeling down, or like you don’t have enough, is to give to others, rather than focusing on lack. Most people have much more than they realize—and giving is like shining a light on what is real and true. If you don’t give very often—or […]
3 Habits That Can Change Your Life
Changing your life is much more of an inner job than an outer job. People make physical changes all the time—new clothing, haircuts, even surgery, but those changes are meaningless without a change on the inside of a person. There is a reason why people notice a sparkle in your eye or when you’re standing […]