Happiness Quotations

This month I would like to offer you a couple-of-dozen quotations about happiness from an array of authors, revered public figures, deep thinkers, and therapists. Some are deep, while others may seem a bit frivolous at first reading, yet I believe all have value, while many offer insight. These happiness quotations have been borrowed from […]

The Eightfold Path To Happiness – Mental Development

And today our journey along The Eightfold Path to Happiness resumes, and comes to an end, with the proper development of the mind; or the movement toward Mental Development. The Path recognizes that, as human beings, we simply cannot live in conflict with the person we are – or with the person we wish to […]

The Eightfold Path To Happiness – Ethical Conduct

And so we continue along The Eightfold Path to Happiness, which we began in my previous post, The Eightfold Path to Happiness – Wisdom. In that post we discovered that the path to Wisdom was critical to our pursuit of happiness, just as right-thinking and right-acting are critical to the pursuit of wisdom. Today we […]

The Eightfold Path To Happiness – Wisdom

While it is never my intention to devalue or denigrate the belief system of anyone, I also realize that there are many schools of thought which can be helpful to many people; teachings which offer peace of mind and happiness regardless of the foundation upon which an individual’s world view might be built. That being […]

To Pursue Happiness, You Must Expect To Be Happy

Expectation is a big word, and carries with it some risk. It is anticipation of the future, which can conflict with the idea that living in the moment is a key to happiness. Plus, when you expect something, it is easy to be disappointed; yet expectation need not conflict with living in the moment, or […]