What If Your Love Story Isn’t A Fairy Tale?

When you are in love, a profound change occurs inside you. And it is not just the chemical reaction and strong feelings, but a change in how you think and see the world. It can be a huge transition for a single person who is accustomed to thinking for “me” to start thinking in a […]

How To Make Meditation More Powerful

After starting a meditation practice, most people wonder after a few weeks or months if they are “doing it right.” This is a really common concern, especially since you might notice that the harder you try to clear your mind and meditate, the more distractions you’ll notice. The good news is that it’s not the […]

Girls Around The World Telesummit

We just finished the global telesummit Girls Around the World and had some fantastic girls on the call from Africa, Colombia, the US and Canada. It was fantastic and we hope to snowball this into a regular forum for young girls to be able to not only talk about their stress but to also receive […]

Spiritual Truths For Your Journey

When starting a path of self-discovery there are some surprises along the way. Working on improving ourselves or finding a spiritual path does not mean that everything is going to be easy or that we’ll get a free ride. In fact, sometimes shining a light on what is happening inside ourselves can actually cause some […]

Getting A Grip On Emotions

Romantic relationships are the most emotionally-charged parts of our lives. When there is a lot at stake, we realize at our core that these relationships contain the possibilities of our greatest happiness, and also our greatest losses. This is an area where negative emotions tend to fester and where our worst behaviors can manifest. Highly-charged […]