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Positive Mindset Is The Key To Happiness And Success
Did you know that success is a product of happiness – not the other way ‘round? According to former Harvard professor and author Shawn Achor, we’ve been thinking about success and happiness backward for millennia; that hard work and success will lead to happiness. As he explains in his book The Happiness Advantage, and this highly entertaining … [Read More...]

5 Most Common Limiting Beliefs To Overcome
I’ve written extensively about the effects of limiting beliefs and how to overcome them. I’ve even gone so far as to create the FATE Blueprint Workbook, as a tool to help you overcome your own limiting beliefs. Yet, far too many people either avoid or rationalize the belief system they’ve developed; as a way to get through life with lowered … [Read More...]

Spirit Guides And Angel Readings
For most of my life I have been in touch with my guiding Spirits and Higher Self. I tried to turn off these visions when I was a child because I found them to be a bit unnerving, and did not understand what was happening or how to use my gifts. As an adult I have learned and been guided to understand what my connection is all about, and how to use … [Read More...]

Goal Setting – How Your Goals May Be Limiting Your Ambitions
We’ve all heard this saying many times in our lives: “She can’t see the forest for the trees”. The meaning is clear, that you can't see the whole situation clearly because you're looking too closely at small details, or because you're too closely involved. Often though, the reverse is even more true, that you can’t see the trees for the forest; … [Read More...]

Why Change Is Frightening
If you're unhappy, it makes sense to make changes to your life that will lead to increased happiness. Yet change can be frightening, as evidenced that so few actually do make those changes in their lives. Understanding your fear of change is the first step to enabling yourself to change your life for the better. Overcoming the fear of … [Read More...]